Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government, Saving Privacy in the Digital Age
Years before “crypto” became the buzzword for technology’s latest iteration, Crypto appeared, telling the story of a cryptography revolution that wrested secret coding from spy novels and intelligence agencies to become the substrate of the digital age. Crypto, however, does read with like a suspenseful thriller—with a hero, Whitfield Diffie, determined to solve mysteries persisting for centuries—while also explaining how the mathematical manipulations of cryptography can lead to internet security, digital money, and now, Web3. Like Hackers, Crypto is the founding document of a revolution.
“To combine science and political intrigue and make it a compulsive page-turner is a good trick, but to make it essential reading for the age as well is a mark of brilliance. Crypto is a triumph. I urge you to read it.”
— Ben Hammersley, The Times of London
“Required reading for anyone interesting in what will be one of the most influential technologies of the next decade.”
— Simon Singh, Sunday Telegraph
“At last! Levy has written cryptography’s The Soul of a New Machine.”