Upcoming & Past Appearances

HAPPY 40TH BIRTHDAY LISA! Apple’s Most Important Flop
Without the Lisa, there would be no Mac, and no iPhone.
Apple’s innovative Lisa computer transformed how people interact with computers—from arcane text-based interfaces to the modern graphical user interface ubiquitous today.
Register for this In-person and Virtual Event here!

Facebook: The Inside Story
Just before Covid shut down my book tour, Computer History Museum’s Dan’l Lewin interviewed me about Facebook: the Inside Story.

2021 Re:WIRED Conference
In the 2021 Re:WIRED conference, I moderated a panel with Renee DiResta, Prince Harry, and Rashad Robinson.

2020 WIRED 25 Conference
In the 2020 WIRED 25 conference I spoke with Maria Ressa of Rappler, before she won the Nobel Peace.

Steven Levy | Facebook: The Inside Story
Earlier in the tour, Michael Smerconish interviewed me about Facebook in my home town of Philadelphia.

2018 WIRED 25 Conference
In the 2018 WIRED 25 conference, I spoke with Amazon founder Jeff Bezos and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai.

CHM Revolutionaries: Chroniclers of Technology- David Kirkpatrick, Steven Levy, & John Markoff
Also at CHM, I appeared with John Markoff and David Kirkpatrick in a session about tech journalist “revolutionaries.”

My Search for Einstein's Brain: Steven Levy at TEDxBeaconStreet
My TedX talk about finding Einstein’s brain.